Health and Temperance






A clear mission guided Jesus’ life. He declared, “I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full” (John 10:10, NIV). In fulfilling His mission, Jesus spent more time healing than He did teaching and preaching. Seventh-day Adventists believe in following Jesus’ example of ministering to the whole person. We believe that the Gospel includes good news in the physical, social, and mental, as well as the spiritual dimensions of life. Health ministry, or health evangelism, means sharing the good news that Jesus wants to give each person health, healing and wholeness in every dimension of life. Health ministry offers the power of Jesus and His Word to heal human sickness.

We invite you start on a journey to optimal health by understanding and incorporating these eight health laws into your life:

 - Sunlight
 - Trust in God
 - Air
 - Rest
 - Temperance
 - Nutrition
 - Exercise
 - Water

Video introduction to the eight laws of healthIFrame

You can view a video presentation for each of the eight laws of health here.

Please visit the official Seventh-day Adventist Church Health page here.